Our industrial power washing equipment is designed for harsh, continuous daily use. By using industrial power washing equipment, we can efficiently and effectively clean, sterilize, remove dirt, stains, grease, and grime. We use powerful degreasing agents, soaps, hot water, and high psi in order to get the toughest jobs done appropriately. Our friendly and professional team is well-trained in the most efficient techniques and dedicated to providing the best service, regardless of your industry.
Backhoe, excavators, bulldozers, cranes, loaders, farming equipment, etc... we'll take your equipment from filthy to clean and sanitized. Cleaning heavy equipment should be done regularly as preventative maintenance to avoid costly break-down. It is recommended for company expense reduction and maintaining a professional company image and appearance. Cleaning and sanitizing heavy equipment can be a tough and timely task for someone without adequate equipment and training. We specialize in heavy equipment cleaning. Whether you would like to make equipment washing part of your routine maintenance schedule or just need a one-time wash for a specific purpose, we can help.
There are times that equipment break-down cause your equipment to need to be cleaned and degreased in order to identify the issue, complete the repair, or to verify that the repair is properly done. A few key areas that often need attention are:
⦁ Moving components/joints that require regular greasing are areas that often need a thorough cleaning in order to make them easier to grease.
⦁ Hydraulic lines should be kept clean in order to identify worn out lines and find leaks easier.
⦁ The Engine bay is the most important part of your equipment. Grease and corrosion on the motor can cause the motor to run hot and prematurely degrade. Examining the motor and detecting damage and/or leaks is imperative to keep your equipment running smoothly and keep you generating revenue.
We are based in Palm Beach County and we proudly serve all of South Florida, including Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Wellington, Loxahatchee, Jupiter, and surrounding areas.
Our heavy equipment detailing services are priced at an hourly rate of $250 per hour.
To book an appointment, contact us online. If you wish to speak to someone right away, please call or text us at (561) 510-2777 during normal business hours.
Heavy equipment detailing
Excavator degreasing and hot water pressure washing
We focus on your vehicles' needs to ensure your fleet is well cared for, while also maintaining your company image.
Customers judge your company not just by the service you provide and availability to take care of their needs, but by the impression your truck leaves when you pull up. A dirty truck implies you’ll get round to things eventually; a clean vehicle says you’re on top of every aspect of your business. If your customers are not impressed with what the state your vehicles says about your business, they may opt to call one of your competitors instead. Your unclean trucks give your competitors the edge.
Cleaning your truck not only an important aspect of maintaining your company image, it also extends your vehicles life span, in the long run saving you money. Shareholders will also take notice and feel confident that everything is in order.
Federal regulations require that trucks have a regular maintenance schedule in order to be in compliance. US Department of Transportation are more likely to stop a dingy truck than one that looks clean and kept. Truck washing should be a part of a regular maintenance schedule in order to keep your truck in great shape and compliant with federal regulations.
Our mobile truck detailing services feature touchless, safe aluminum high-quality products in order to protect your fleet. Our products are safe and specifically designed to safely remove dirt, grime, and grease. For your protection, we are fully insured. All of our truck and heavy equipment washes include water recovery and off-site disposal that exceed environmental regulatory standards. Whether you have 1 truck or 15, we’ve got you covered. We take care of all kinds of trucks and heavy equipment, including asphalt and farming equipment.
We serve all of South Florida area, including Miami, Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, Parkland, Boca Raton, Lake Worth, Wellington, West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Stuart, and Palm City.
For your convenience, we accept cash and all major credit cards.
To book an appointment, contact us online or to speak with us call 561-510-2777 during business hours.
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